“Aa Vakshi Devaam Iha Vipra Yakshi Cha” (Rigveda 2-36-4)
O learned man!Invite the Gods and perform Yajna i.e. sacred fire.
“Juhota Pra Cha Tishthata” (Rigveda 1-15-9)
It is a God’s order to perform Yajna and develop.
Pra Yajnamanmaa Vrijanam Tiraate” (Rigveda 7-61-4)
Performing sacred Yajna solves all problems of life.
Performing Sacred Yajna Solves All Problems of Life.
The word Yajna is derived from the root ‘Yaj’ which means to add or to communion. The atmosphere that a yagna creates by involving all the elements earth, water, fire, air, ether air helps one unite with the silence and divine space both within and without and creates a gateway for all desires to manifest and all pain, disease and stress to diminish or cease.
A yagna is beneficial for all living-beings, because whatever is put in the holy fire, the fire returns the same in manifold to the air, air returns it to the clouds which also does the same thing i.e. clouds give it back to the earth by way of rain. Whatever we sacrifice in the fire is returned to us in a manifold by way of Yajna. All our surroundings, the air, the food, the vegetation are all enriched and purified. Hence performing “Yajna” is essential and the best deed.

Every Family To Perform Yagnas
We invite every family to peform any of these these Yagnas either at you home, office or public place for celebrating receiving a good job or promtion in job, passing of exams, peace to ancestors, everlasting peace and good health. All yagnas will be performed by accomplished priests and precise chanting, and can be acompanied with a soulful, uplifting satsang.
List of Yagnas
- Ganesha Homa
- Sudarshan Homa
- Chandika Homa
- Danvantari Homa
- Navgraha Homa
- Rudra Puja
- Grah Shanti Puja
- Mruitanjaya Homa